Will God Still Love Me When I Hurt

Will God Still Love Me When I Hurt

February 9, 2025

Speaker: Dr. Jason T. Atchley

John 11:1-6


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We do not often speak of or admit our mental health issues, especially in the church, but we must acknowledge that we all battle mental hurdles and hurts.

The National Institute of Mental Health says, “Nearly one in five U.S. adults live with a mental illness” and defines mental illness “as a mental, behavioral, or emotional disorder. AMI [Any Mental Illness] can vary in impact, ranging from no impairment to mild, moderate, and even severe impairment.”


When we hurt, we wrestle with the question, Will God Still Love Me When…

1. I Feel l   & .

Jason Gaboury wrote a book called Wait with Me: Meeting God in Loneliness. Gaboury says, “Loneliness is not just a modern problem. It’s an ancient problem because it’s a human problem. Ultimately, loneliness is a spiritual problem.”

Since God cares for us and about our mental hurts, we can practice picturing him as a doctor who offers house calls.



When consumed by the hurt, healing comes when we remember…

2. He is   in our .

The psalmist prays, in Psalm 25:5-7, for God to lead him in truth and to teach him (v. 5), as well as to remember mercy and love.

Aundi Kolber wrote “We don’t have to keep living from a narrative of self-hurt when God looks at us tenderly, waiting for us to move toward His fiercely gentle love.”

Jason Gaboury said, “Walking through and working through our emotions is scary. Entering into the Scriptures to grieve alongside or express our anxiousness in the presence of God can transform us deeply.”


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