Turn and Return: Fixer-uppers for Christ

Turn and Return: Fixer-uppers for Christ

Series: Jonah: The Sad Story of a Cold Correct Heart

August 29, 2021

Speaker: Don Guthrie

Jonah 3:1-5


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"Therefore repent and return so that your sins may be wiped away in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord."--Acts 3:19


If we will return to God, He will return to us.



"Let men call on God earnestly that each may turn from his wicked way and from the violence which is in his hands.  Who knows, God may turn. . . and withdraw His burning anger."--Jonah 3:8-9



Revival in history--the irresistible return of the God idea.


"Seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.  Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and let him return to the Lord. . .for He will abundantly pardon."--Isaiah 55:6-7



Amazing discovery--Jonah needed revival too (his rededication in chapter 2 had been incomplete and inadequate).


The Ninevites turned.  Jonah returned.



Fixer-upper.  Old homes.  MAJOR Renovations required.


What will Jonah do with this challenge?  What will we do?





--If you are ANGRY you need to turn to God


     "Do you have good reason to be angry?"--4:4





--If you are COMFORT-CONSCIOUS you need to turn to God


     "An encounter with God is a long journey of successive steps.  If you say 'Yes' to God, you need to be prepared to say it again and again."--Tim Keller





--If you are not ON MISSION you need to turn to God


     "Follow Me, I will make you fishers of men."--Jesus





--If you have NO COMPASSION you need to turn to God


     "Should I not have compassion on Nineveh?"--4:11






     Mark 8--the man touched twice


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