The Via Dolorosa

The Via Dolorosa

Series: The Road to Easter

March 26, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Jason T. Atchley

Mark 15:6-15


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The Via Dolorosa called the “Way of Grief” in Latin, is a road in the old city of Jerusalem, a path where Jesus was lead in agony, carrying the crucifixion cross. 


The first question down The Via Dolorosa is…

1. What will You do with Jesus?

It seems clear that Pilate wanted to pardon Jesus and set Him free, but He gave into the mob mentality.

What will you do with Jesus? You have to answer that question. If you say, “I won’t answer it, I won’t do anything with Jesus.” That is doing something with Jesus.



The second question down The Via Dolorosa is…

2. Can You Carry His Cross?

A “cohort or company” of soldiers generally contained six hundred men.

The Romans conducted crucifixion processions as a warning to the public that they wouldn’t tolerate any trouble.

In the Passion of the Christ movie, Simon of Cyrene links arms with Jesus, portraying a picture of Matthew 16:24, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

The road to Easter down the Via Dolorosa gives a picture for the follower of Christ of the path Jesus took that led him to the cross.


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