The Missionary God and His Missionary People

The Missionary God and His Missionary People

Series: Missions Month 2024

November 10, 2024

Speaker: Stuart Sumrall

Revelation 5:9-14


Stuart Sumrall

Associate Pastor

Sermon Notes

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Follow Along with the Message

Missio Dei—the mission of God


Our mission is our committed   AS God’s people AT God’s command and  , IN God’s own mission FOR the   of God’s creation.


We see the mission of God revealed throughout Scripture in His calling and sending of some for the sake of all.



  1. Abraham: Called and Sent as a   to the nations. (Genesis 12:1-3)

Gen. 22:15-18

Galatians 3:7-9, 3:13-14



  1. Israel: Called and Sent as a   to the nations. (Exodus 19:4-6a)

Exodus 18:10-11a

2 Kings 19:19

Psalm 67:1-5



  1. Jesus: Called and Sent to   the nations. (John 1:1, 14 and 3:17)

Mark 1:14-15

John 6:38-40

John 12:44-45



  1. The Church: Called, Sent, and Empowered to   to the nations. (John 20:21)

            John 15:26-27

            Acts 1:8


“From the call of Abraham to the founding of the church, God has maintained one ideal for His people and placed before them one great duty.”—William Owen Carver



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