Rest Don't Stress

Rest Don't Stress

Series: The Rest of the Year

January 26, 2025

Speaker: Dr. Jason T. Atchley

Matthew 6:25-27


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Follow Along with the Message

Worry is a hard monster to control. The journal article, The Impact of Stress on Body Function says, “Stress can be either a triggering or aggravating factor for many diseases and pathological conditions.”


Learning to rest and not stress means focusing on…


1.     over  .

Soul care causes us to take an honest look at ourselves, our behaviors, and our actions to see if there is anything we’re actively engaging in that is contributing to our stress.

The Sabbath gives balance to our life and meaning to our time. The Sabbath is a great time for self-assessment. It’s an opportunity to get our priorities and values in order, ensuring that our aims align with God’s aims.



Learning to rest and not stress means…

2.   His   over Your  .

God wants us to be successful according to the standards of his kingdom, not worldly kingdoms.

When we let go of our desire to be a legend and instead wholeheartedly pursue the kingdom of God in Christ through the Spirit, then we will find a peace and a rest that few have experienced.


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