Learn to Demonstrate Patience

Learn to Demonstrate Patience

Series: 18 Summers

June 2, 2024

Speaker: Dr. Jason T. Atchley

Galatians 5:22-24


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Follow Along with the Message

 A study of two thousand people found that our cultures pursuit of more knowledge has made people more impatient.

Dallas Willard says, “None of the elements of the Fruit of the Spirit—none of them—are feelings. ... If we don’t know that, we will wind up trying to cultivate a feeling instead of cultivating a condition.”


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Tim Keller defines patience as, “An ability to face trouble without blowing up or hitting out. Its opposite is resentment toward God and others, and its counterfeits are cynicism or lack of care: this is too small to care about”


How patient are you when it comes to pursuing the purpose or calling of God on your life?


God can see the trajectory of your life and your kids life, and so you can be patient, knowing his plan is perfect even when you are not or kids are not.


Praise God that he is patiently waiting for the lost to be found.


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