Great Commission. Great Coach.

Great Commission. Great Coach.

Series: Christ of the 40 Days

April 25, 2021

Speaker: Don Guthrie

Matthew 28:16-20


Sermon Notes

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Follow Along with the Message

The most remarkable of all the post-resurrection appearance.  This one is by appointment.


"Tell my brethren to leave for Galilee.  There they will see Me."--Matthew 28:10




Does God have a plan?  "Is there a balm in Gilead?"




DISCIPLE!  The only imperative in the sentence.  The others are participles.


mathetes (noun)--learner, apprentice, pupil


matheteuo (verb)--process by which that happens.  Same process Jesus used with them.  Many steps.


To disciple is to bring others into vibrant contact with the living Christ so that by it they enroll in the His school of LIFE.


"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed."--Romans 12:2





--Great COACH


     We are athletes AND assistant coaches.  Still learning.  Helping others do the same.


     Teaching them to observe (tareo--to watch, guard, observe).  Eye word. 


     Our lives help people SEE the possibilities. 



--Great CLAIM


     All authority (ex eimi--out of, to be)


     Not only power, but permission to use it.


     The whole world is His.





     "Lo, I am with you always."


     "Is it not by Your going with us that we are distinguished from all other people on earth?"--Exodus 3:16








     Some worshipped, but some doubted (diastazo--to stand in two places)


     Does God have a plan?  Do I want to be part of it?


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