Famous Fights in the Bible

Famous Fights in the Bible

Series: Super. Natural. New Testament Church

March 14, 2021

Speaker: Don Guthrie

Acts 15:1-2


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Follow Along with the Message

"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."--Albert Einstein

When did Christianity get so NICE?

Moses' Parents

David and Goliath



--FIGHT--v. 2


oligos--small, few



       zetesis--to seek the truth, to debate, to cross-examine

     "I write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints."--Jude 1:3



     Testimonies from Peter, Paul and Barnabas

     Scripture and recommendation from James--vs. 13-21

     Follow the Lord, follow your leaders



     Concessions and consideration--vs. 20-21

     "There occurred such a sharp disagreement that they separated from one another."--v. 39



"I have fought the good fight."--2 Timothy 4:7


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