Abounding in Joy

Abounding in Joy

Series: Joy Full

September 3, 2023

Speaker: Dr. Jason T. Atchley

Philippians 1:6-11


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Follow Along with the Message

You can always find something to dislike about someone, and if you look close enough, you can compile enough evidence to ignore and write off those who don’t see things your way.



1. Be Joy Full in Love

The word “abound” was used to describe the growth of a flower when it goes from a bud to full bloom.

1 Thessalonians 3:12, “May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you…”

Pastor Stephen Brown says, “Everybody that belongs to Jesus belongs to everybody that belongs to Jesus.”



2. Be Joy Full in Service

Message paraphrases of verse 10, “You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush.”

What we think about in our heads must move to the heart and finally must get expressed in our hands.

ask God to lavish His love on people so that they will abound in giving that love away to others.




3. Be Joy Full for His Glory


Ruth Bell Graham’s definition of a saint: “A saint is a person who makes it easy to believe in Jesus.”

Instead of trying to get people to see things our way, let’s begin seeing things God’s way abounding in joy.

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