A Place of Challenge

A Place of Challenge

Series: Into the Wilderness

March 23, 2025

Speaker: Dr. Jason T. Atchley

Matthew 4:5-7


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Follow Along with the Message

Jesus overcame the first temptation, but the season of bombarding temptations is not over. What better way for the devil to make Jesus prove his trust in God than by challenging him and convincing him to throw himself off the temple for angels to save him?

The devil twists Psalm 91:11–12 out of context to try to force Jesus to jump from the temple to confirm that he really does live by every word that comes from God.

The wilderness reveals how…

 1.     the  .

This wasn’t the only time the devil twisted God’s words to get someone to do his bidding. Remember Genesis 3? The accusation that God is a liar is the gateway to temptation.

Half-truths might sound like Scripture and might even contain elements of biblical truth but are not found anywhere in the Bible.


The wilderness reveals our…

2.   with    .

Sometimes we want to take Satan on and prove to him we are more than capable of doing battle with him. That is a pride battle and Satan loves to push your pride buttons.

A.W. Tozer wrote, “The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven't yet come to the end of themselves.”

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