Special Needs Care Ministry

Weekly Newsletter

Families of children, teens, and adults with special needs are welcome at HGBC!  Our CARE Ministry, at present, offers a regular Sunday Bible Study Class for teens/adults that meets from 9:30 to 10:30 am.  For our younger participants, we provide opportunities for inclusion in our regular Sunday morning classes, with the help of teacher aides (aka “buddies”), if needed.  The CARE ministry encourages students to be involved in various activities at church such as serving as greeters, tending to the CARE Ministry Memorial Garden, and packing boxes at Christmas for the Samaritan’s Purse Ministry.   

We work as a team to make sure that our students are thriving and learning the Word of God every Sunday.  We teach the Gospel and Scripture faithfully, in a multisensory manner, with visual supports, music and art.  Our goal is for students to come to know Jesus as their personal Savior, to know how much He loves them and to become a little more like Jesus every day. We also assist families with the next step of baptism.   

We also offer ASL Interpretation for the Deaf in our 11 am worship services. 

For more information, about our Sunday morning class (times above) OR our Saturday Zoom Class at a new time of 9:30-10:30 am every Saturday, contact Anita Bruck via email at or call 972-867-1610, x2025. 

