Wednesday Night Discipleship - New Offerings Registration

Beginning September 7th, we will provide several options for adults. Check out the courses listed below. Preregistration is recommended.

Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that can Radically Change your Family by Paul David Tripp, led by Dana and Scott Epperson and Tawney and Chris Davis. The goal of this study is to help parents see their role through the lens of God's Word and change the way they interact with their children.

Goliath Must Fall by Louie Giglio, led by Bryan McMath. Examine the story of David and Goliath to reveal how we must slay the giants of fear, rejection, complacency, anxiety, anger and addiction in our lives. Class will include a short video as well as discussion of weekly at-home study.

The Method, Part 2, led by Teri Pittman. You have learned one method from Pastor Don. Now check out another method with Teri Pittman as we consider the book of Philippians.

Griefshare Support Group led by Gene Scott. This 13 week course is for people grieving the death of a family member or friend. Each week will view and discuss a video seminar from top experts in grief and recovery. Workbook for personal reflection and study will also be provided. Please note, this course runs 6-8.

The Truth Project led by Ron Killough. Featuring insights from biblical experts like R.C. Sproul, Os Guinness and Gordon Pennington, this video driven study helps you learn to look at life from a biblical perspective. Please note, this course runs 6-8.

Event Coordinator Teri Pittman

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